I have a post count of about 1000 on diaperswappers. Have you heard of it? Crazy cloth diapering mamas that shun disposable diapers. Heehee. Naaah... I don't have a problem with disposables all that much. I do love cloth diapering though, and I do feel like I'm making less garbage.
Zabi Rainbow Prefolds
Motherease Sandy's
Happy Hempy's
Bumware Extreme (I use these mainly for when Daddy changes or Grandma changes cause they're soo easy) They work just like a disposable with velcro.
Blueberry Diapers I used on my daughter when she was a baby. SO adorable!
The challenge of getting super clean white insides is an obsession and fun when you're cloth diapering. Fresh clean smelling diapers. Aaaaaah, what fun!
mei tai obsession started with the birth of our girl in 2008
Blue bird eggs last year
Intex pool fun
Just three of the kids...the baby is missing from these pics and so is my oldest who was up in the barn playing his XBOX or reading. He really does love both equally :)
Bluebird house Summer 2013
3 little bluebird eggs! |
sand next to the pool
old pic of Daddy with Summer
We also did EC with Summer (elimination communication when she was born)
As a result she potty trained at 18 months!!!
Disney trip
Mr Bubbles diaper I sold on diaperswappers
Bluebird house this year and in the corner, our Home Depot pvc pond that isnt in the ground anymore.
We removed it to build our mini barn and dh never dug another hole to put it in. Its soo much work to do alone though. We have that NC hard clay soil~
There are also beautiful huge water lilies in the pond that grow bigger year after year. The tadpoles take shelter underneath the water lilies.
One of my gazillion baby carriers
Some natural products that I use
Charlies Soap cleaner and laundry soap, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Baking Soda, Soap Nuts for laundry, Weleda Skin Products, Mustela baby care products, Earth Mama Angel Baby , Lavender Essential Oil, Plain ole Vinegar, Calendula, Lots of homemade little 1 oz tins from Etsy because I really dont have the time to make them myself with my five kids. I applaud the other natural mamas with five plus kiddos who make their own laundry soap and creams and balms~ Some day, I'll do it too~
Grapefruit Seed Extract for cleaning and colds~
California Baby was loved before they changed their formula, but this spritzer helps me wake up. I like the scent!!
There is a company called Cal Bens that makes cleaning products without harsh chemicals. Even gentler than popular Seventh Generation stuff and Method. Check them out. This is what I switched to after my son's battle with severe facial and body eczema. I use this soap for dishes and body and it lasts forever.